All of our "ready to use" sports nets are made with high density black polyethylene netting, rope and twine. Why is that important? Polyethylene looks better longer and lasts longer. Ultra Violet radiation is the worst enemy of outdoor sports netting. Most nets are dyed black to protect them from UV after the netting is made. Our nets are different. The black dye protecting our nets is inside the polyethylene fibers. The dye is melted into the threads at the beginning of the net making process. Then the threads are made into twine, and the twine is made in to the netting. The black dye is internal and will not fade away like in many other nets. This keeps the net "shaded" from the sun for the life of the netting, thus protecting it from UV breakdown. So not only will your net stay stronger than other nets, it will look better longer too.
Baseball Batting Cage Nets

Our batting cage nets are built to the highest standards in the industry. All of the nets come with rope edging on the top, bottom and ends, with an extra rope down the center of the top for a better installation. Batting cage nets come with a doorway in one corner with a 5' protective netting flap on the inside of the doorway. At the ends of all of the ropes are stainless steel eyes with a 6' rope extension spliced to the eye. These ropes allow you to tension the net during installation. Batting cage nets are made of high strength polyethylene, are permanent black in color, and have excellent resistance to UV degradation from sunlight. All of our batting cage nets are 12' high, 12' or 14' wide and 35', 55' or 70' long.

Barrier Nets
Baseball Barrier Net - you can choose from any of our standard flat panels, 10', 12' and 14' high and up to 100' wide. Our barrier nets are made of high strength polyethylene, are permanent black in color, and have excellent resistance to UV degradation from sunlight. Rope edging is standard on four sides of all net panels and ten-foot rope extensions in the four corners will help tie the net where you need it. Bulk netting comes with rope edging standard on two sides of the width but not the ends. Poles not included.
#21 Nets: General purpose for field and backyard use. Not for high impact. These nets are 10', 12' or 14' high and up to 100' long.
#42 Nets: Heavy duty nets for high impact for any use through the major league level. These nets are 10' high up to 100' long and 12' high up to 50' long. #42 bulk netting is 12' or 14' high in any cut length you need up to 200'
Backstop Nets
Heavy duty #42 netting. These nets are flat panels either 10' or 12' high, offering years of service. The Baseball Backstop Nets are made of high strength polyethylene, are permanent black in color, and have excellent resistance to UV degradation from sunlight. Rope edging is standard on four sides of all net panels and ten-foot rope extensions in the four corners will help tie the net where you need it. If you require a custom backstop net, contact us for a quote. We supply custom backstop nets for youth leagues to major leagues. Please email your request.